Monotony becomes interesting - visualized

Monotony becomes interesting - visualized
Monotony becomes interesting: like spontaneous combustion or pimps

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Guess What I Am

      So I was reading Facebook statuses and comments etc... and I just realized something... I have CSCD. For those of you who are unfamiliar with CSCD there are some things you should know. People do not have CSCD by choice - they are born with it. People with it require patience on your part, they know people hate it when they do it but it really isn't just something they can help. What's that? What's CSCD? You mean, you don't know?! Well, it's... Compulsive Spell Checking Disorder. People with the disorder are bothered by misspellings and Internet slang over usage. However, they are still human and make spelling errors themselves. They either do not realize they made the mistake or do not know how to spell the word. Things like 'U','R', 'dum','nukleer haulocost','dismembermint',yodling','trols' and 'hore' all bother the CSCDer very much. And I, after much thought and confusement knowing that I was different, have been telling others that I have this disorder. No need for the 'Get Well Soon' cards - I won't be getting better. I will have this disorder for the rest of my life. People are sometimes hostile and get angry and upset over me when I correct them but it's just because they don't understand my disability. I have recently applied to get a handicapped license plate and disability income. Hopefully one day, I will fit into cyber society - like you.

EDIT: Sorry about before, I type into this box that has a white background and I accidently highlighted the words yellow, so when I went to remove the highlight, I changed the color from yellow to white. But everything is well and beautiful now!