Monotony becomes interesting - visualized

Monotony becomes interesting - visualized
Monotony becomes interesting: like spontaneous combustion or pimps

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Humor Through the Years

       Good day my kindly readers! Today, I would like to talk to you about humor. As we grow up, or sense of humor matures with us. In this post, we will examine each era of our life.

       Age: Less than 5 - The Age of Innocence - In this part of our life, we are just learning our words, so much of our humor comes from facial expressions and amusing actions from Peek-a-boo to Winnie the Pooh (holy crap, that was so extremely clever, kudos to myself!). But The Age of Innocence is short lived and we are soon off to the next phase.

       Age: 6-9 - The Age of Bodily Functions - Here, we are discovering things about our bodies and soon discovering the differences between male and female. We think words like, "poop" and "dookie" are the most hilarious things since AFV (with the good host, not the crappy new one).  We also think "peepees" are some of the strangest things and we cannot fathom why girls are lacking them.

       Age: 10-18 (and in some cases, onwards) - The Age of Sex and Sexism - Now we have come across the hormonal teenage years. According to a recent made up poll, 96% of jokes in this age are somehow related to sex. We find jokes like "A tree falls on a woman, does anyone hear it? - That's not important, the important thing is what's a tree is doing in the kitchen." and other related jokes. And if a joke is pure, an impure thought is applied by someone in the audience.

[Skipping Ahead Several Years... Loading....]

      Age: 50+ - The Age of Dry Humor and Politics - Now we have lived our lives and are settling down from the roaring 20s, the busy 30s, the annoying 40s and are about to live out the monotonous 50s. The newest generation does not understand our jokes and/or find them completely void of any humor. We find jokes like, "What's the Difference Between Palin and Bush? Lipstick". Haha - not funny.

      And this is why, we kids are completely incompatible with our parents.

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