Monotony becomes interesting - visualized

Monotony becomes interesting - visualized
Monotony becomes interesting: like spontaneous combustion or pimps

Saturday, October 2, 2010

         I would like to start this off with naming one drastically boring class. Sacred Scripture. In fact, this class is so boring, humans evolve drastically each class because it is so long and SO boring. My friend Hugh does a good job of making it go slightly faster. And by slightly faster I mean, instead of eons, it takes a millennium. Humans will probably be sea creatures by the end of this year. There are seriously no English words to describe the intense borningness (oxymoron?) The teacher speaks in a completely flat tone, with no sense of urgency or emphasis on ANYTHING. It is also very hot. And when I say hot, I’m talkin’ like, center of the sun hot. And he doesn’t listen when we say it is hot. It was nice and cool outside one day when we were taking a test but he had the windows closed because the teacher in the period beforehand had closed them. After I finished sweating out all fluid in my body and handed in my test, I suggested that he or I open the windows. I guess he didn’t hear me because he just smile smugly. I gaped at him when he just sat at his desk. I asked again. Maybe he didn’t hear me or maybe he hates me. He ignored me again. I never had an urge to punch a priest until then. Don’t get me wrong, I have the utmost respect for priests but COME ON!!! Anger makes your body heat rise too….

        My second boring class is a highly anticipated class. Driver’s education. My teacher is basically constantly pulling up his pants till they’re above his chin and is talking in a stupid voice. And when he coughs, his whole body is like, thrust upward as if he is coughing himself up. It’s odd. We also watch a lot of boring movies. Do I CARE that people got radio knobs stuck in their heads in the 1960s dictated to me from a 1985 tape. It’s silly. Is it really that difficult to purchase newer driver’s education material? Is it really necessary to use severely outdated material where kids though “Cool beans” was a way of saying that the car was one they wanted or something like that. “Cool beans” is not a way to describe driver’s ed. One day we had first lunch

(there are three lunch periods at my school

First Lunch- 1, 2, 3, Lunch, 4, 5, 6

Second Lunch- 1,2,3,4 ½, Lunch, 4 ½, 5, 6

Third Lunch- 1,2,3,4, Lunch, 5, 6)

         And then proceeded to Driver’s Ed (fourth period) but he wasn’t there. He wasn’t there after 5 minutes. After 5 minutes we are supposed to go to the library for an open period for the remainder of a class. About halfway through 4th period, he shows up at the library, acting like it was our fault that he was late. He didn’t know what lunch we had… It was a stupid situation… We were so close to a cool beans, open period.

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