Monotony becomes interesting - visualized

Monotony becomes interesting - visualized
Monotony becomes interesting: like spontaneous combustion or pimps

Monday, October 18, 2010

Noël (With the amazazing umlaut over the 'e')

         This post is dedicated to my best friend with whom I spent a week with at a summer campish for my school's stupid service program. So, for those of you who are not familiar with/aren't Noël, this is probably going to make no sense to you, whatsoever. And that may or may not be a word. We had the most awesome conversation last night on Facebook Chat where half of what I typed was 'OMGOSH!!' and other words entirely capitalized with excessive exclamation points. Let's get to the starting line, shall we?
        Dear Noël,
         I would like to recall the first sighting of you. Well, our youth minister was doing a silly/stupid and slightly effective 'ice breaker' with us noobies. You came in late. I think. Anyways, we were playing Two Truths and a Lie. Your truths were: I like to play Grand Theft Auto and I play bass guitar. I don't remember what your lie was. Everyone was like, "Woahzies, that girlz got mad skillz yo!" And I was thinking, "That's cool."
        Next we come across your first words to me. Those words were, "I like your flip flops." So I was all like, "Haha thank you, I like your's too." I think I said that... These words were spoken in the gymnasium close to dinner time. And for the record, the gym floor looked like there was dirt engrained into the wood. No joke. And it smelled like humidity and wood.
        Then we come to the knot tieing. We were assigned to the same group. We discussed questions like, "Where did you see Jesus today?" and we would give some B.S.ed answer and write like one word, against what our 'group leader' said (She was kind of pushing us to write more). And, I saw Jesus in a grilled cheese sandwhich, mind you (I made myself lulz. UNRELATED NOTE: This makes me think of the line from the Wizard of Oz that I interpret as "Are you a good witch, or a sandwich?"). We talked and stuff, made each other laugh hysterically and came up with our super duper handy dandy inside joke.
        Then we came to the emotional bonding. Our main one being Runescape. RUNESCAPE FTW!!  Yeah man. Then we all did these note things of which the name escapes me and I think I said the truth about everyone except Gabby and Stephanie. Mainly because I had no idea what to put for them (Gabby: I don't understand why we haven't stopped the oil spill yet, let's just put a giant tampon in the well."). And then you found the hot and steamy romance novels, two actually. And we had LOLs (Lots of laughs) over those. And the closing ceremony kind of thing, that was pretty chill, right? And your parents lived like, two minutes away and they were late... and so was my mom who was at the house dedication. And then, not too long ago, we had the most AMAZING conversation ever. In fact, the conversation was so unbelievably amazing that I couldn't fall asleep for over 45 minutes because our conversation was THAT amazing.
        Let's just be Kids and have a Time to Pretend that we all have kind of an Electric Feel, mkay? Mkay.
         I love you, Noël!!

P.S.S. If you're not at the reunion I'ma beat down your front door to find you, got it? Mkay.

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