Monotony becomes interesting - visualized

Monotony becomes interesting - visualized
Monotony becomes interesting: like spontaneous combustion or pimps

Monday, October 25, 2010

The States That Happen To Be United

        How is our country united? We are an extremely diverse population that has 'white superiority.' And I don't mean white people are the superior race, I mean that many whites refuse to accept the immigrants and the languages that they bring. We are also extremely materialistic and self centered. But let's look at the bright side: we have enough food in our trash cans to feed a small country, we have many laborers (but are too snobbish to take jobs that no one wants), we have plenty of land to waste and so on! We really are a great country.
        Let's look at a couple of states shall we? We'll go in order by which they pop into my head.

        Alaska - A very pretty state with plenty of whales, lots of glaciers, numerous mountains, a couple mountain people and last but not least, plenty of black gold. If you can find someone, you probably aren't in Alaska.
        New Mexico - Named quite appropriately! This state, bordering Mexico, is recalling from a Nat Geo documentary is like 45% Mexican/Hispanic. And possibly one of the most over looked states in the country.
       Nebraska - Who knows?
       Delaware - The most boring, uninteresting, lowest populated state. The north is an industrial wasteland and the south is, well... the south.
       Georgia - The only thing that comes to mind is 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' which may or may not have taken place in Georgia.
       Vermont- Quite snowy with a very good ski season.
       Michigan- One foot in the U.S. one foot in Canada.
       Virginia - Is it in the north or in the south?
       Florida - The two extremes, really old people and really young kids. Disneyland, hello?
      And I don't really feel like typing anymore.

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