Monotony becomes interesting - visualized

Monotony becomes interesting - visualized
Monotony becomes interesting: like spontaneous combustion or pimps

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Freakishly Awesome Things

        We've all heard of them, that one thing that is highlight of your life; it's the Freakishly Awesome Thing. The Freakishly Awesome Thing differs from person to person and one usually has no problem enthusing about why such Thing is so Freakishly Awesome. For example: my Freakishly Awesome Thing is cars. I can tell you all about cars - which ones are good, bad, expensive, cheap and so on.
         There is also another freakishly awesome thing. It can be anything, really. Like tiny kittens, puppies or something so undeniably cute that you lose all knowledge of modern English and must resort to simple uncoordinated mouth sounds. Like "d'awwh", "umigoditsofriggincute", "eep","coochie coo" and "google." Yes, the uber corporation 'Google' got it's name when the founder saw something so incredibly cute that he was at loss for words. Or maybe even oscillating fans are freakishly awesome. I mean, they basically keep you cool and keep blowing air on you no matter how much paper you stick in them. Oscillating fans love us and try so hard to keep us happy. And yes, I'm referring to oscillating fans as living creatures. Why? Because I think they're cute.
        Girls find many things freakishly awesome. Such things may include but are not limited to: fuzzy socks, make-up, kittens, nuclear holocausts, puppies and candy. Men find a couple things freakishly awesome that include all of the following but again, is not limited to: beer, porn, sports, cars, girls and brochachos.
       Even different professions may find things freakishly awesome, here is a list I have conjured up out of thin air:

Dentists - Flossing
Teachers - Homework
Doctors - Needles
Telemarketers - Being Indian

        Going off on a totally unrelated topic, have you ever been to a website where it was like, "HEY YOU!! YOU SHOULD CALL US IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS!! And it has a picture of a really cute/hot girl in a headset smiling stupidly like she is super happy to help angry people with their problems. In reality, you get connected with an Indian guy that hardly speaks a lick of English and has no clue what is wrong with whatever you need help with. And you have to go through six hours of redundant computers telling you to please hold in a kind, soothing and totally synthesized voice. And you have to wait on the phone listening to Nickelback play through the phone while you wait. Alright enough of that...
        So as you can see, there are many freakishly awesome things and infinitely many subcategories you can divide it into. You can just image a really cute girl in a headset smiling brilliantly as though she is so eager to find out more about you and when you ask her a question she has a male Indian voice. What a mood killer...


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