Monotony becomes interesting - visualized

Monotony becomes interesting - visualized
Monotony becomes interesting: like spontaneous combustion or pimps

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I Hate Everything

         Do you ever get that feeling where everything that dosen't go perfectly (which next to nothing does) makes you super ticked off? Yeah I'm having that feeling...
        It all starts with a parent making you do stuff that you don't want to do. In this case, my dad wanted me to pass the green beans to the person next to me. Normally, this dosen't bother me at all, but for some reason I got really annoyed. I mean, why can't he just get up and walk it over to the other person instead of inconviencing someone else so they can have more time. Sounds pretty selfish to me. Then my brother and his girlfriend were telling some stupid story that I don't remember and don't care about. I was basically trying to listen to the story without having to reach for the greenbeans. They kept blabbering and I kept getting more annoyed at why they weren't passing me the greenbeans when I hadn't told them I wanted them. Shouldn't they know that I want the greenbeans if I'm telling them telepathically? YES!! So then I rudely interupted and gave in and asked them for the gosh darned to heck greenbeans. And they passed it to me willingly, which made me angrier.
        Then I got on the computer and tried to click a button in the web browser but a pop-up thought I rolled my mouse over it and started shouting at me why the "SUPER GREEN AND TOTALLY AWESOME FORD FIESTA WAS TOTALLY RIGHT FOR ME!" BUT IT ISN'T GOSH DARN IT!! I DON'T WANT A STUPID FORD FIESTA! NOW GET OUT OF MY WAY YOU STUPID AD AND LET ME CLICK THE GOSH DARNED BUTTON!! So then I clicked the button after exiting out of the annoying Ford Fiesta ad.
        Next I typed into the URL box "fac" wanting it to auto complete and list for me so I could hit the down arrow and enter button and zip off to facebook. But noooooo, it didn't happen that way. Instead, I didn't hit the down arrow or missed it and it took me to "fac" which it didn't recognize. It gave me REALLY annoying web page that told me "fac" was non existant. That got me super angry; some how it is the computer's fault why I didn't hit the down arrow. Stupid computer. Now I'm listening to the movie 2012 and I'm annoyed with it because the guy is in a car listening to OHMYGODITSSOANNOYING radio station. And I'm here typing it all down here for your entertainment. Be glad - be very, very glad...

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