Monotony becomes interesting - visualized

Monotony becomes interesting - visualized
Monotony becomes interesting: like spontaneous combustion or pimps

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Optimism Vs. Pessimism

        I like to think of this topic less like optimism and pessimism, but more like extreme surrealism to extreme realism. Let us look at a few examples:

        Situation 1: A car just got sideswiped in front of you while driving along a city road.
        Optimist's Mind: Oh deary me! That poor fellow in front of me was pummeled by a tractor trailer and his head is no longer present on his body! Oh well, I'm sure the doctors have some radical new treatment to repair his now eviscerated, lifeless corpse.
        Pessimist's Mind: HOLY FREAKIN' CRAP! That dude just was just a bug splatter on that truck's windshield! His body is probably just a soup now inside his car! Dude that guy is DEAD! In fact, he's worse than dead. There isn't even an words to describe how surely dead that dudeski is.

        Situation 2: You are depositing money in a bank when a whole bunch of robbers in ski masks bash through the door.
        Optimist's Mind: Good golly! Those are some angry people! It's okay, we'll all be fine. That's what we pay the police for afterall. It's all going to be alright.
        Pessimist's Mind: Oh-my-god. Dear Lord, I am so sorry for all the bad things that I have done and stuff. Please forgive me before we all die in a bloody massacre.

        Now, tell me this. Which is more likely to happen:
        Ex 1- Flying unicorns poop technicolor rainbow terds while dancing with elves whilst drinking morning dew off of toadstools.
        Ex 2- Horses poop brown smelly terds while standing in a poopy straw trailer while it goes over a speed bump.

        If you chose Ex 2, you would be correct. It's also the pessimist answer. So if you are not on drugs, you are a pessimist. And that is why hippies are stupid and optimistic. What an awesome way to end a post...

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